A few weeks ago, I asked for my contacts on Facebook to consider how much of their life is entangled in their portable 1,000eu/usd+ computing device. If you receive this newsletter you are likely already part of the 6% of society that is above 30,000 annual salary. Mind you, this salary is lower than the considered poverty wage in California. Numbers are not meaningless, but rather relative. Fiat currency is not nothing, but again, relative and contingent upon dominance and market value of commodity goods.
I ask you to consider these things, not for the subscription value Le Lapin may or may not be worth, but for the sake of the actualities of your life.
Are you nearby people you can trust? in a power failure? in a cellular network failure? if your devices died…who would you check in on with? Who and what do you really care about and do you know for sure you are cared about in the same way you offer?
The year of the dragon is nearly upon us. Whether or not you believe is as relevant as wondering if summer will come. Sure, we are promised summer, but reality is that no day is a given until we awake to it. This fact, dark or stoic as whatever quality you deem it to be, is what it is. Therefore, I no longer want, as a woman, to rely on hope, that hu-men understand this…I want so much for humanity to REAL-EYES this.