Le Lapin
Le Lapin


means something else
The best beauty is shared between two who care.

A human soul cannot be contained in a linear box. So what if I will always love the philosophy I could get from learning Norwegian and the profound expounding that comes from understanding a priori through English? How dangerous can semotics and linguistics be? Apparently in the emotionally charged West- very.

Words are not just words. They are misused and often fail us, and yet what is communicated is not only words…people are icy, defensive, warm, and yet the leery among us are regarded as smart while the naive are idiots. What happened to openness and naïveté being a form of intelligence?

Instead of wanting what is not had; why not embody what is wanted and weather the consequence. Trees do it all the time; so all those tree lovers can stand to actually practice this.

And because of anguish….I learned the value of ginger. Kval is what anguish means in Norwegian. And this is to set your eyes upon the most beautiful place in the world and experience the utter turmoil of pursuing longing and love and a vision to create life with the reality of being alone; but not with yourself but alone in a relationship.

Sure we have all touched limerance in varying degrees; but did you ever let limerance eat your heart, your small intestine or perhaps even parts of your mind? I hope not; but the complexity of meaning in Kval….may be best summarised with an image instead of these words because sometimes I wonder if humans are destroying beauty because it scares them too much:

Kvalvika Beach, Lofoten, Norway, 2018, Rachel Marie Wolfe Ammann

Le Lapin
Le Lapin
A reserve for understanding.
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Mari Amman